Upcoming Events
Recurring Events
Meetings are the second Saturday of each month, at the Surf City Town Hall (located at 214 W Florence Way, Hampstead, NC) at 9: AM during the majority of the year, and then at the Pender County Emergency Operations Center (located at 805 Ridgewood Ave, Burgaw, NC) at 9:00 AM during the months of January, April, July, and October.
Weekly Nets
Join us for the Hampstead Hams ragchew net every Monday evening at 8:00 PM on our linked repeaters, the 147.375 NC4PC repeater; +0.6 offset, 88.5 Hz tone, and the 443.550 NC4PC repeater; +5.0 offset, 100 Hz tone. These repeaters can also be accessed via the 261720 NC4PC-R EchoLink node.
The backup repeater is the 146.940 N4JDW repeater; -0.6 offset, 88.5 Hz tone. All amateurs are invited and encouraged to check-in.