Pender County’s Amateur Radio Club
Our purpose is to promote amateur radio among members, as well as, the general public, strongly support and encourage active relationships with emergency and disaster relief organizations, and conduct activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in all of Pender County, North Carolina.
Monthly Meetings
Meetings are the second Saturday of each month, at the Surf City Town Hall (located at 214 W Florence Way, Hampstead, NC) at 9: AM during the majority of the year, and then at the Pender County Emergency Operations Center (located at 805 Ridgewood Ave, Burgaw, NC) at 9:00 AM during the months of January, April, July, and October.
Weekly Nets
Join us for the Hampstead Hams ragchew net every Monday evening at 8:00 PM on our linked repeaters, the 147.375 NC4PC repeater; +0.6 offset, 88.5 Hz tone, and the 443.550 NC4PC repeater; +5.0 offset, 100 Hz tone. These repeaters can also be accessed via the 261720 NC4PC-R EchoLink node.
The backup repeater is the 146.940 N4JDW repeater; -0.6 offset, 88.5 Hz tone. All amateurs are invited and encouraged to check-in.
Amateur Radio License Exams
The Hampstead Hams want to hear you on the air! For more information on becoming a Ham or to schedule your amateur radio license exam please contact us here. Prior to taking an amateur radio license exam, applicants must create a FCC user profile and FRN (Federal Registration Number). More information and a video tutorial can be found here. Additional resources regarding amateur radio license exams may be obtained through the club or ARRL website. Please see "Resources" tab.
Looking to Join, Pay Dues, or Donate?
Membership dues are due July 1st of each year.
Select an option below to begin.